Flask Web Stock Analysis Tool

This project is a trading App based on python to run backtesting simulations and become a helpful trading tool. This tool is split into three main functions. BackTesting Trade Strategies, Displaying stock data, and set stock price alert. These functions are available through a GUI menu and allow navigation between the processes. The databases used throughout this application involve CSV files for simple local storage. The dependencies used for this program have been built into a requirments.txt file for simple instantiation. The APIs used throughout this project include yfinance, backtrader, NewsAPI, flask, and stock-price-alerts.

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What is the project?

This project is a Flask application built to test back trading strategies on current stock symbols.

What problem does it solve?

This application enables the user to find buy quickly, set triggers, and test trading strategies based on these markers. Notifications can also be charged and are sent with the method of an HTTP email post.

What dependancies does it have?

  1. yfinance
  2. backtrader
  3. NewsAPI
  4. plotly
  5. dash
  6. stock-price-alerts

What is notable about the project?

This project has a python backend used for trade strategy modeling and pulls stock data using the yfinance API. This web application is integrated into a Flask page, where I used Plotly to build the visualizations. The Stock-Price-Alerts package is also used to set and send notifications when symbols hit a specific metric.

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Find Buy Sell Markers

This application used backtrader to find, buy and sell markets for a given stock symbol.

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Stock Symbol Lookup

This application utilizes the yfinance API to find current data based on a provided stock symbol.


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Backtrading Test

The application tests back trading strategies against traditional gains to see if buy and sell markers provide a profitable trading strategy.

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Login/Account Creation

Tracks users and differentiates them with a user key. Users can create accounts and log in to see their unique trading strategies.