The Final Frontier

We built a virtual experience that puts the user on scale with a solar system to demonstrate the changes to the habitable zone around multiple stars. We utilized an opensource platform A-Frame to build our virtual experience. We wanted to demonstrate the factors of a star that change the habitual zone as well as demonstrate life’s relationship to our own sun and the stars around the universe. By doing so we try to combine NASA’s exploration mission with the users ability to explore our virtual solar system. We hope this will spark curiosity in space exploration to find extraterrestrial life and educate those who have a lack of understanding of habitable zones.

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What is the project?

This project is a Flask application built to test back trading strategies on current stock symbols.

What problem does it solve?

This application enables the user to find buy quickly, set triggers, and test trading strategies based on these markers. Notifications can also be charged and are sent with the method of an HTTP email post.

What dependancies does it have?

  1. AFrame
  3. VRPhysics

What is notable about the project?

This project was a hackathon challenge that was conducted in 2019. My team and I who were responcible for the development of a VR education tool; created "The Final Frontier" to educate about habital zones. This appication was created in 24 hours. This project was awarded 2nd place!

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Find Buy Sell Markers

This application used backtrader to find, buy and sell markets for a given stock symbol.

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Stock Symbol Lookup

This application utilizes the yfinance API to find current data based on a provided stock symbol.