Arduino Tissue Incubator

In this project I designed an apparatus that can hold a 96 well plate and heat it relatively quickly to an ideal experimental temperature while maintaining a constant heat distribution across the entire enclosure.

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What is the project?

We designed a acrylic enclosure that would enable visible light to pass through while also insulating heat within experimental requirements. We utilized heating mesh directed by a micro controller to generate heat and a secondary convection system tied to a temperature sensor for regulation. Validation of even heating was achieved through 3 temperature sensors covering different regions of the enclosure. The solution was successful in that is was able to through a 72 hour experimental span, regulate internal environmental conditions optimal for tissue growth.

What problem does it solve?

Our client needs an apparatus that can hold a 96 well plate and heat it relatively quickly to an ideal experimental temperature while maintaining a constant heat distribution across the entire enclosure.

What constraints does it have?

  1. 96 well plate, must be able to be used on a microscope platform (dimensions: L 127.71mm, H 14.1mm, W 85.43mm)
  2. 300mm/300mm/100mm (Max size)
  3. Allow clear illumination and imaging of 120 x 90 mm well plate
  4. Less than 5kg
  5. Must maintain constant temperature +/- 0.2 degrees C at any point among the wells
  6. Clear view on top and bottom
  7.  <100w power draw

What are the objectives of the project?

  1. Steady-state temperature regulation for 96 well plate
  2. Apparatus that can heat from cold start
  3. Reach Temperature in less than 10 min
  4. Sustain Temperature for 1 hour+
  5. 37 Celsius, +-.2 Celsius (at any point among the wells)

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Functional Overview

This chart demonstrates the interconnected sub-systems for the incubator.

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Acrylic Enclosure

The double-layer enclosure design enables insulation of the well plate while the air can be circulated from the outer layer to heat all sides of the well plate evenly.


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Arduino MicroController

An Arduino microcontroller is used to read the temperature sensor and apply corresponding voltage to the heating mesh.     

Heating Mesh

The incubator design used the heating mesh to heat the outer layer evenly and with limited power consumption.